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Doctor's Visit

Services at Norton Place

We work with the following GP surgeries. All our services are available to patients from these surgeries.


Dr Irlam & Partner - Central Surgery

The Thorpe Bay Surgery and North Shoebury Surgery

Drs Kumar & Sinha, Shoebury Health Centre

Dr Palacin, Shoebury Health Centre

Blood Test

Blood tests have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test.

For example, you can use a blood test to:

  • assess your general state of health

  • check if you have an infection

  • see how well certain organs, such as the liver and kidneys, are working

  • screen for certain genetic conditions

Most blood tests only take a few minutes to complete


  • Avoid eating or drinking anything, except water, for up to 12 hours. Read more about eating and drinking before having a blood test.


Make an appointment with Norton Place by calling

01702 987800

Please note: Norton Place do not offer walk in blood tests, all blood tests must have an appointment.

Blood Test

Blood Pressure (BP Check)

A blood pressure test checks if your blood pressure is healthy, or if it's high or low.

Blood pressure is the strength with which your blood pushes on the sides of your arteries. It's pumped around your body.


Low blood pressure (hypotension) is usually not a problem. Yet, it can cause dizziness and fainting in some people.


Untreated high blood pressure (hypertension) can increase your risk of developing serious problems. These include heart attacks and strokes.


Having this quick test is the only way to find out what your blood pressure is – and it could save your life.


Make an appointment with Norton Place by calling

01702 987800


An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple test. You can use it to check the rhythm and electrical activity of your heart.


Sensors attached to the skin detect the electrical signals produced by your heart. They do this each time it beats.


A machine records these signals, and a doctor looks at them to see if they're unusual.


A heart specialist (cardiologist) or any doctor who thinks you might have a problem with your heart, including your GP, may request an ECG.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Smoking Cessation (Stop Smoking)

If you want to stop smoking, several different treatments are available from shops, pharmacies, and on prescription. They can help you beat your addiction and reduce withdrawal symptoms.


The best treatment for you will depend on your personal preference, your age, whether you're pregnant or breastfeeding, and any medical conditions you have. Speak to your GP or an NHS stop-smoking adviser for advice.


Research has shown that all these methods can be effective. Evidence shows that they are most effective if used alongside support from an NHS stop-smoking service.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Annual Diabetes Foot Check

Your foot check is part of your annual view. You should include it in your diabetes care, and it's free on the NHS. This is because you’re more likely to have serious foot problems. These can lead to amputations.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Ear Check (Not Syringe)

Ear infections are very common, particularly in children. You do not always need to see a GP for an ear infection, as they often get better on their own within 3 days. At your appointment, the GP often uses a small light (an otoscope) to look in the ear. Some otoscopes blow a small puff of air into the ear. This checks for blockages, which could be a sign of an infection.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Diabetic Review

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person's blood sugar level to become too high.

There are 2 main types of diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1. In the UK, around 90% of all adults with diabetes have type 2. During pregnancy, some women have such high blood glucose levels that their body cannot produce enough insulin to absorb it all. Gestational diabetes is the term used for this.

  • Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells.

  • type 2 diabetes – where the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body's cells do not react to insulin


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Cholesterol Advice (Pre Diabetic)

  • High cholesterol is when you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood.

  • Eating fatty food, not exercising enough, being overweight, smoking, and drinking alcohol cause it. It can also run in families.

  • You can lower your cholesterol by eating healthy and getting more exercise. Some people also need to take medicine.

  • Too much cholesterol can block your blood vessels. It makes you more likely to have heart problems or a stroke.

  • High cholesterol does not cause symptoms. You can only find out if you have it from a blood test.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Cough, Colds, Chest Infections

  • When to see the GP

    • you've had a cough for more than 3 weeks (persistent cough)

    • your cough is very bad or gets worse – for example, you have a hacking cough or cannot stop coughing

    • you feel very unwell

    • you have chest pain

    • you're losing weight for no reason

    • the side of your neck feels swollen and painful (swollen glands)

    • you find it hard to breathe

    • you have a weakened immune system – for example, because of chemotherapy or diabetes

See a GP if you're coughing up blood.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Joint Pain

Joint and Muscle Pain and Swelling

  • Joint pain is common, especially as you get older. There are things you can do to ease the pain but get medical help if it's very painful or it does not get better.​

  • There are many possible causes of joint pain. An injury or a longer-lasting problem such as arthritis might cause it.​

  • Your symptoms might give you an idea what could be causing the pain. But do not self-diagnose, see a GP if you're worried.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

B12 Injection (Must Bring Own B12)

  • Vitamin B12 or B9 (also called folate) deficiency anaemia happens when the body lacks vitamin B12 or folate. This causes large red blood cells. These cells cannot function.


    Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body using a substance called haemoglobin.

    Anaemia is the general term for having either fewer red blood cells than normal. It can also mean having a low amount of haemoglobin in each red blood cell.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

The Contraceptive Injection (DEPO)

  • The contraceptive injection releases the hormone progestogen into your bloodstream. It's available as Depo-Provera, Sayana Press, or Noristerat. It prevents pregnancy.​

  • In the UK, healthcare providers administer Depo-Provera. It lasts for 13 weeks. , Healthcare providers may administer Noristerat, which has a duration of 8 weeks.

  • Sayana Press also lasts for 13 weeks. Yet, it's a newer type of injection and is not available at all clinics or GP surgeries.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Pill Check & Med Reviews

A medication review is a private, confidential meeting between you and a GP or another qualified health professional. You discuss your medicines. The discussion may take place over the phone or in person.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Image by Roberto Sorin


  • Most headaches go away on their own and are not a sign of something more serious.

See a GP if:

  • your headache keeps coming back

  • painkillers do not help and your headache gets worse

  • you have a bad throbbing pain at the front or side of your head – it could be a migraine or, more rarely, a cluster headache

  • you feel sick, vomit and find light or noise painful


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of lung conditions. They cause breathing difficulties.

It includes:

COPD is a common condition that affects middle-aged or older adults who smoke. Many people do not realise they have it.

The breathing problems tend to get worse over time. They can limit your normal activities. Treatment can help keep the condition under control.

  • emphysema – damage to the air sacs in the lungs

  • chronic bronchitis – long-term inflammation of the airways


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Asthma Reviews

Asthma is a common lung condition that causes occasional breathing difficulties.​

It affects people of all ages. It often starts in childhood, but can also develop in adults.​

There's currently no cure. But, there are simple treatments that can help keep the symptoms under control. This way, it does not have a big impact on your life.​

  • See a GP if you think you or your child may have asthma.

  • Several conditions can cause similar symptoms. It's important to get a proper diagnosis and correct treatment.​

  • The GP will usually be able to diagnose asthma by asking about symptoms. They will also carry out some simple tests.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

General Illness & Clinical Triage

General Illness & Clinical Triage can cover a wide range of things from diarrhoea, vomiting, and abdominal pain to urinary infection, lumps, bumps, and many other conditions.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670

Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Learning Disabilities Review

  • A learning disability affects the way a person learns throughout their life.

  • A learning disability is different for everyone. No two people are the same.

  • A person with a learning disability might have some difficulty:

  • understanding complicated information

  • learning some skills

  • looking after themselves or living alone​

  • If a health professional diagnoses you with a learning disability, they might help you get the support you need.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Mental Health Reviews

What is a mental health review?

During a mental health assessment, you and mental health professionals have a conversation. This helps decide what kind of support you need. You'll need to have a mental health assessment when you go to any mental health service for help. Information: A mental health assessment is not a test or an exam.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777

Depression Reviews

What does the evaluation for depression mean?

A depression screening is also called a depression test. It's a standard set of questions. You answer them to help your health care provider find out whether you have depression. Depression is a common, serious mental health condition.


Contact your GP to book you an appointment at Norton Place

North Shoebury Surgery 01702 297976
Central Surgery 01702 468443
The Thorpe Bay Surgery 01702 582670
Dr Kumar & Dr Sinha Family 01702 987798 
Dr Palacin's Surgery 01702 987777


Southend East PCN
Norton Place 162 Ness Road, Shoebury, SS3 9DL


tel: 01702 987800


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