Free short courses around wellbeing are starting in January at Southend Adult Community College - Ways2Wellbeing
Southend Adult Community College offers a friendly and supportive environment for people who may experience mental health difficulties. The aim of every session is to try something new in a non-pressured and supportive environment. They offer educational provision in a friendly and fully supportive environment to people who may experience anxiety, stress related issues, and a number of conditions that affect general wellbeing. The courses aim to build your confidence and self-esteem, bring a positive balance to your life, reduce stress and teach you useful coping mechanisms and can also be used as a stepping stone to mainstream courses, voluntary work or employment.
Before you start your course you will be invited to meet with a Wellbeing Coach who will support you. This one to one chat will ensure that you are accessing the right course for you.
No prior knowledge or qualifications are required to attend these courses